The Great Intervention Program Proceeds – Hatybov, Human Experimentation, and Object 440

Author’s note: this is reprint from my previous blog with some edited material

The next phase of this blog is to look into the critical transition from 17304 BC to 1605 BC, or the “Age of the Creation of the Shirt”.   The material directly related to Hatybov is very, very limited in respect to this stage of Earth civilization post-Ebrov/Megrez Arachnid intervention.  Instead, I have had to make the following assumption regarding materials discussing this time period: a group of Russian researchers have or did have access to additional Hatybov material that is currently not available or published online, and they have attempted to present it as best as possible through an assortment of various posts, articles, and other entries online (and in the Russian language).  In turn, I’m attempting to summarize the information as best as I can for the English reading population for review, feedback, and critique. Continue reading “The Great Intervention Program Proceeds – Hatybov, Human Experimentation, and Object 440”

George Harrison on the Dark Side of the Moon

File:Earthrise 23 Aug 1966.jpg
Earthrise, 23 Aug 1966, Lunar Orbiter 1

Honestly, I don’t want to think that the NASA message is a complete hoax. I, like many others, grew up wanting to be an astronaut.  I wanted to study physics, chemistry, astronomy, math, and whatever else I needed to be able to fly a space shuttle into outer space. I was even fortunate enough to have a neighbor who worked for a local company that created NASA mission decals; my entire room was littered with stickers of various shuttle missions that permeated the media in the 1980’s.  What wasn’t to love? Astronauts were like gods to me and my friends; every shuttle launch was shown to us in grade school (even the Challenger mission) and we were glued to the television screen as the countdown to lift off was shown, and the space shuttle was shown arching over the ocean until it was no longer in site.  Never once do I recall questioning the authenticity of NASA or what we were shown.  Why would we?  Our teachers didn’t question it, so why would I? Continue reading “George Harrison on the Dark Side of the Moon”

The Great Forgotten Tragedy of the Human Race

Las resultas (72) (Goya).JPG
Goya’s “Resultas”

Are Spiders our First Gods?  Not necessarily so, at least to Alexander Khatib / Hatybov. On this post, I’d like to move through prehistory; more specifically, I’d like to present a possible model regarding the years 45,000 BC through our calendar year 17304 BC.  The basic premise of this post is to touch on the previously existing Super System and System in place in our solar system, and the changes made to the existing Super System and System by an invasive species.
Continue reading “The Great Forgotten Tragedy of the Human Race”

Lady Gaga, Bowie, and the Lunar Moon


To be honest, I was hoping that when I first saw the Audi Super Bowl 50 astronaut commercial a week ago, a spider would have made its way on to the television screen, in some way, shape, or form.  How great would that have been for material for an article? David Bowie, actor astronauts, the Lunar Moon, an Audi race car, and spiders.  Alas, it didn’t appear to have happened (unless I missed a symbol someplace or there was a spider crawling on the astronaut’s bookshelf).  Well, there appears to have been a consolation prize courtesy of “Music’s Biggest Night”, the 58th Annual Grammys, which also aired on CBS!
Continue reading “Lady Gaga, Bowie, and the Lunar Moon”

Audi, Bowie, and the Lunar Moon

Is that an Audi?

I am not going to make up a story that I had better things to do during Super Bowl Sunday one week ago than to watch the Denver Broncos take on the Carolina Panthers in San Francisco, California. Could I have better spent my time reading the Nag Hammadi, the works of John Dee, or even been watching classic Soviet science fiction films regarding Saturn?  How about continued work and summation on the Hatybov Octave structure? Sure, I could have done all of that; however, for those unfamiliar with the concept Super Bowl Sunday, it has become for most a day in this area of the United States where family, friends, and unhealthy food and beverage choices meet for a few hours on a cold, January  Sunday afternoon to enjoy each other’s company (and a close game – you have to sell those ads somehow!)  And if I were to start talking about the Plemora, Fomenko, and The Land Management System, I’m certain my parents, friends, and my very, very lovely wife would check out mentally.  So the Super Bowl it was! Continue reading “Audi, Bowie, and the Lunar Moon”