Don Draper and AI : The Illumined Cube Prepares Taxes


National Football League Super Bowl magic…all eyes set and ready, eagerly awaiting any glimpse into possible symbols, illusions, and even magick rituals intentionally presented at the US television event that was February 5, 2017’s Super Bowl LI.  I, as I’m sure many other like-minded researchers, attempted to pay close attention to the media images presented throughout the broadcast. Personally, I found this particular commercial fascinating: Future – H&R Block with IBM Watson. Continue reading “Don Draper and AI : The Illumined Cube Prepares Taxes”

Kubrick’s Mystery Cult Devotion Manifests In A MacBookPro


Another interesting commercial found on television of late, with some hefty themes tucked into it.  Apple’s MacBookPro Bulbs commercial; a possible ode to the occult and to the ancient Mystery School religions of yesterday.  The commercial can be found here. Continue reading “Kubrick’s Mystery Cult Devotion Manifests In A MacBookPro”

The Illuminati’s Glass and Marble Cube : A Performance Arts Center At Ground Zero

maxresdefaultNot only did the date of 09-08-2016 carry with it the news event of the OSIRIS REx launch at Cape Canaveral, Fl (and its deep latent symbolism, with a possible analysis here), but the date also saw our mass media oligarchy promote news regarding progress on performing arts center at NYC’s Ground Zero.  Thanks to a head’s up from a fellow researcher Desiree (thanks Desiree!),  I was able to read this fascinating article from the UK’s The Guardian regarding a press conference update in respect to the Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center due to for completion in the year 2020.  Quickly reading the article and noticing the potentially rich, occulted symbolism embedded in the project, I wanted to publish another article on my site for feedback and other ideas.  So without further ado, let’s dive into it. Continue reading “The Illuminati’s Glass and Marble Cube : A Performance Arts Center At Ground Zero”

The Ikean Gnostic : An Esoteric Allegory


What to do with an advertisement like this?  I recently viewed  Ikea’s “the future of Scandinavian design” commercial that features a brief (link here), one minute composition of images that left me questioning what I had just witnessed.  I wanted to pass on the advert, but felt there was so much intended, sacred meaning attached to the commercial, I couldn’t stop thinking about what I had seen.  With the framework of an ancient cosmogony, a few Jungian texts, and other scattered books, a potential message presented itself to this researcher.   Continue reading “The Ikean Gnostic : An Esoteric Allegory”

The Hatybov High Strangeness Hypothesis


Goblins, ghosts, spirits, phantoms, and other things that live on the edge of our reality have captured the imagination of most of us since we were young. Personally, books on the Bermuda Triangle, poltergeists, and other supernatural phenomenon were always on my borrowed library short list; often, I would read and reread books such as Haunted Heartland, The Abominable Snowman (both the Choose Your Own Adventure and non CYOA titles, of course)” and anything by Brad Steiger multiple times hoping to learn more about the phenomenon. Do we turn into spirits after death? Is a ghost residual human consciousness after death? Do zones of strangeness (ie triangles, rectangles, circles, etc) act as thoroughfares to other realities, timelines, and universes? So many questions and so many theories regarding possible solutions: where does one even start at this point? For sake of continuing along the lines of the material posted under the guise of Hatybov, let’s look at the material from the perspective of the alleged Soviet scientist Khatib Alexander. Continue reading “The Hatybov High Strangeness Hypothesis”